Check out what we've been up to!
Taps Academy offering opportunity for teens
The Teen and Police Service Academy (TAPS) is gearing up for their Summer Youth Leadership Institute
Program aims to bridge the gap between youth and police in Columbus
TAPS Academy helping students in juvenile probation office enter workforce
Building Bridges: TAPS Academy Unveils Inspiring Community Expo to Strengthen the Heart of Police-Community Connections
Columbus Police TAPS Academy holds 2023 graduation
TAPS Academy program breaks down barriers between troubled teens, police
Police Officer, Teen Learn From Each Other, Change Perspectives
TAPS Academy breaks down ‘bad cop’ barrier
Harris County sheriff visits TAPS Academy to speak with youth
Leaders come together to redefine, better serve ‘at-risk’ youth in Las Vegas
TAPS Academy will soon be implemented into the Tuscaloosa City school system
TAPS Academy graduation in Tuscaloosa
St. Kitts and Nevis Adopts Teen and Police Service Academy